Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA)

Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA)
Programs 0
Departments 0
Campuses 1

The Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art (INHA) is a leading research and teaching institute in the field of art history. Located in the heart of Paris, it offers a range of programs and activities to students from around the world.

The INHA has a wide range of programs and courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. These include courses in art history, visual culture, and museum studies. The institute also offers specialized programs in conservation and restoration, as well as a range of seminars and workshops.

In terms of rankings, the INHA is highly regarded in the field of art history, and is often ranked among the top institutes in Europe. The acceptance rate for the institute is also quite high, with over 90% of applicants accepted each year.

The INHA also offers a range of scholarships and grants for both domestic and international students. These include grants for research, travel, and tuition fees. In addition, the institute has a range of accommodation options for students, including dormitories and apartments.

The application process for the INHA is straightforward and requires applicants to submit a range of documents, including transcripts and letters of recommendation. The cost of studying at the INHA is relatively affordable, with fees varying depending on the program and the number of courses taken.

The INHA is divided into several departments, each focusing on a particular area of art history. These include departments of Painting, Sculpture


Info Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA)