Tokyo University of Science

Tokyo University of Science
Total students 17 644
Total faculty staff 1 141
International students 676
Programs 0
Departments 0
Campuses 4

Tokyo University of Science (TUS) is a leading research university in Japan. It offers a wide range of academic programs, including undergraduate and graduate degrees in science, engineering, and other fields. TUS has a strong international presence, with a high ranking among Japanese universities and a high acceptance rate for international students.

TUS offers a wide range of scholarships for international students, including merit-based, need-based, and other types of financial aid. The university also has a range of student accommodation options, from dormitories to apartments.

The application process for TUS is relatively straightforward, with a simple online form and a few additional requirements. The cost of attending TUS varies depending on the program, but is generally affordable.

TUS has a number of departments and faculties, including the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Economics. The university also has a number of research centers and institutes.

TUS is committed to providing a quality education to all its students, including international students. The university offers a range of services and support to international students, including language programs, career guidance, and cultural activities.

TUS has a number of fees associated with attending the university, including tuition fees, living expenses, and other fees. However, the university also offers a range of discounts and waivers for international students.

TUS is a great choice for international students looking for a quality education in Japan. With its strong academic programs, high acceptance rate, and range of scholarships and discounts, TUS is a great option for those looking to study in Japan.


Info Tokyo University of Science