The best universities of Tlalnepantla

Tlalnepantla is a city in Mexico that is home to a wide variety of universities and colleges. The university list includes both public and private institutions, offering a variety of educational opportunities. The most famous universities in Tlalnepantla are the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM), the Technological Institute of Monterrey (ITESM), and the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEM). Other universities include the University of the Valley of Mexico (UVM), the University of the Americas (UDLA), and the University of the Valley of Toluca (UVT).

Ranking of universities of Tlalnepantla

Here is a list of colleges and universities of Tlalnepantla , providing students with the opportunity to pursue a range of educational goals. From small liberal arts colleges to large public universities, there is something for everyone.

Mexico City

Escuela Bancaria y Comercial

Escuela Bancaria y Comercial

When it comes to colleges, Tlalnepantla has a wide range of options. The most famous colleges in the city are the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), the Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM), the Technological Institute of Superior Studies of Monterrey (ITESM), and the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEM). Other colleges include the University of the Valley of Mexico (UVM), the University of the Americas (UDLA), and the University of the Valley of Toluca (UVT).

The list of suggestions of Tlalnepantla

Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Entertainment Business Administration


Escuela Bancaria y Comercial

Mexico City, Mexico

Subject Business and Management Studies
Degree Bachelors
Course intensity Full Time
Study mode Blended

Education of Tlalnepantla

When it comes to university and college rankings, Tlalnepantla is home to some of the top-ranked universities and colleges in Mexico. According to the 2019 Mexican University Ranking, UNAM is ranked first


  1. Bachelors (13 / 1)
  2. Masters (3 / 1)

Study mode

  1. Blended (15 / 1)
  2. On Campus (1 / 1)