Next International Business School

Next International Business School
Programs 0
Departments 0
Campuses 1

Next International Business School (NIBS) is an internationally-renowned business school located in the heart of Europe. Established in 1997, NIBS has become one of the most prestigious business schools in the world, ranking in the top 20 of the Financial Times Global MBA Rankings.

NIBS offers a range of programs from undergraduate to doctoral level, including Bachelor of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration, Executive MBA, and Doctoral programs. All programs are designed to provide students with the skills, knowledge, and experience needed to succeed in today’s global business environment.

The school has a high acceptance rate, with most applicants accepted. NIBS also offers generous scholarships and financial aid packages to support international students.

In addition to its academic programs, NIBS provides a wide range of services and amenities to help students succeed. These include on-campus accommodation, career services, library services, and student activities.

The application process is straightforward and requires applicants to submit their transcripts, a personal statement, and a resume. The school also requires applicants to submit a fee, which varies depending on the program.

The school has a strong international focus, with students from over 60 countries. NIBS also offers a range of exchange programs, allowing students to study abroad and gain valuable international experience.

The school is divided into four departments: Business Administration, Economics, Finance, and Management. Each department is staffed by highly experienced and qualified faculty members.

NIBS is committed to providing students with an affordable education. Tuition fees are competitive and the school offers a range of payment plans to help students manage their costs.

Overall, Next International Business School is an excellent choice for students looking for a top-tier business education. With its high ranking, generous scholarships, and range of services, NIBS offers an ideal environment for students to reach their academic and professional goals.


Info Next International Business School